About Us
We at Connect Logistics Network, starting our services on “May 2022” giving you free Membership up till 31st May 2023, where you don’t have to pay any Membership fee and Trust Fund fee.
We have a dedicated team of Recruitment which will work on searching active freight forwarders to make them Members of the family. Connect Logistics Network (hereinafter referred to as “CLN”) is looking for companies from various scales of businesses in the sophisticated freight-forwarding industry. Logistics (comprising of air, sea, land transportation and 3 P/L) has the potential for sizeable growth yearly.
Being a Network company for freight forwarders we don’t believe in an over-crowded Network, as we think that being over-crowded will lead to lack of attention and communication among Members, seeing that we have restricted our self to having only 5-6 Members per country whereas big countries like China, India and USA will have 16-18 Members per country.
Our significant focus will always be on our Members so that they could take advantage of its growth, our efforts will be to benefit member with increased volumes and more transactions within a short while after joining Connect Logistics Network (CLN) and transact with one another. In which we will try our best to offer a full range of business opportunities to Members to better serve their needs, and more importantly their bottom line.
Being part of this Network will offer you a unique opportunity to get to know our Members personally and bringing business opportunities and contacts across the world to you as our Member. An annual conference will be held purely for Members of Network so that we all can get to know each other.
Connect Logistics Network (CLN) will serve as a very important link to the world for your company. To this end, your alliance with Connect Logistics Network (CLN) will connect you with reputable logistics companies in the region and beyond.
Should you have any queries about us or require assistance in any matter, please do not hesitate to email us at info@connectlogisticsnetwork.com
We look forward to welcome you as our Member to represent your country.